May 17, 2011

Conflict Management Strategies

Avoiding a conflict is among the greatest mistakes you can make since the problem never goes away on its own. One of the conflict management strategies is to simply attend to the conflict rather than ignoring it. Even when the conflicts appear superficially at rest or calmed, they always rear their ugly heads any time the stress is amplified or when a new row and disagreement ensues. Unresolved conflicts, disagreements between parties and rivalries only fester under the visible surface in the workplace. They never go away. They only wait until a catalyst is activated and then blow up to a phenomenal scale. Saying that a problem will pass with time is rarely true and shows a lack of conflict management strategies.
Meeting separately with individuals embroiled in conflict is one of the more effective conflict management strategies. If what you want is that every individual express themselves to you, it is better they express themselves individually in the presence of all the other parties. Talking to one person alone improves the risk of polarizing them in their positions even further. Each of the persons involved in a conflict usually carries a vested interest and will always try to put himself or herself across as the "right" party. Avoid placing yourself in the position of the judge and the jury. As an employee, each one of them will try to convince you that only their case has merit. By listening to them together, you eliminate bias and you give one of them a chance to listen to the other without interrupting. Having the ability and creating the opportunity to listen during conflicts is among the best conflict management strategies, which will help to resolve the conflict.

Do not believe that the employees involved in a conflict are the only ones affected. At the workplace, almost everyone is affected by an incidence of conflict, and soon the office becomes polarized, when the conflict only started with two individuals. The conflicting employees will interact in the office with their co-worker friends. That means that they are also affected and stressed by the conflict. If you have an unresolved conflict involving some employees, the others are also affected. Remember that conflicts create antagonists and protagonists, and you do not want your workplace to be polarized. Such divisions can wreck even the most established organizations. As such, one of the conflict management strategies is to attend to other employees' needs to ensure that morale does not waiver as a result of the initial conflict. Employing effective conflict management strategies can make the difference between a failing business with poor morale, and a thriving business with happy employees.

Reference: John_Halasz

April 15, 2011

Dealing With Difficult People By Using Conflict Management Strategies

Dealing with difficult people has always been a very complicated tactic to a lot of people, including myself. While the title may have grabbed your interest, understand that I am male, so I write just like a man. Aside from that, it's my own story. My political correctness stops with the title so consider yourself cautioned.

I was so excited I could hardly stand it. After spending the last 8 years on the street selling foods door to door, I really could finally see an exit. This was the answer, the ticket to our freedom and the answer to our dreams. I went to the free workshops about dealing with difficult people, met some great folks, signed up and could hardly wait to begin. My greatest fear, nevertheless, was telling my wife precisely how much I'd invested in our future. See, we'd just refinanced our home to settle some other bills.

Needless to say, it was totally unpleasant - she broke down crying. They weren't tears of joy. I recognized she would understand eventually. "Hear, just tune in to this CD, it explains everything." Listening to the CD's wasn't on her mind for that first couple of weeks. I knew that I had my work cut out for me so I got busy. Towards the end of the initial 3 months I had recovered all of our original investment. She'd witnessed the wheels in motion but even now wasn't sure. I'd quit my job and was carrying out the business full-time. I had frequently and relentlessly explained to her that if she would quit her job and work with me full time, that we could easily multiply our profits. That dog did not hunt. She witnessed the revenue possibilities but still needed persuading that this was a real business. Dealing with difficult people, especially my wife, had now started to become something of a challenge to me.

It was time to go on to plan "B". I started rigging booby traps. I would tactically substitute her reading materials with my positive information. My own CD's would be inside her car with no others accessible. After a few months my perseverance had reaped rewards. She had agreed to come together with me to one of my gatherings. That was the answer, finally, she saw the light. All my words and schemes could just move so far, but once I placed her among others that were profitable in the industry, everything began to take a hold. If my account is all very familiar to you, dealing with difficult people is about letting your own decisive actions communicate louder than your words. By watching you grow, they will also do the same. The bank checks don't lie so allow them to do your talking. Get them involved at their own speed and near other people in the industry who are more successful than you.

Dealing with difficult people, and in this case my wife, has become a blessing. Currently, we're working together, a little too close at times. She continually tells me that I've got an annoying habit of "hovering" around her. I prefer to call it "beneficial instruction". Our experiences in entrepreneurship are fresh to the two of us - at times surprising, sometimes exhilarating, but never boring. So all of you disgruntled partners out there take heart. Dealing with difficult people is not at all that hard and know that your loved ones will come around eventually when they understand that your dedication to develop is for their benefit as well. Above all, it will be your behavior, not your lip service, that pulls them in. Remember, once you change your world, it may take a little persuading to make your loved ones a part of it.

Article Source: Rick_Stanford

April 14, 2011

What Do Real Men Do?

Being a man is not only about being the stronger gender of the two but also the more responsible one. With men having an edge over women in terms of physical strength, nature has balanced it by giving women more control over their desires. In other words men are often more aggressive and have lesser control over their wants. They also take a setback less gracefully than women. So what is a real man? What do real men do? Here is a list of what a real man ought to do.

1. Real Men Respect Women
Women are a man's better half. They complete the circle of life by being the true companions of a man. Nature has made men and women equals and they are like two semi-circles completing the whole. A real man, knowing that he is more powerful and influential, always respects women as equals. He gives them equal opportunity at life, never thinking of them as an inferior gender. He realizes that women are equal to him but that their sphere of superiority is different from his. He knows that while a man has superior strength, a woman has superior endurance, while a man has the responsibility of finances, a woman in the modern world has both financial responsibilities and that of bearing children. He respects a woman for being the settling factor in his life.

2. Real Men Never Buy Sex
According to Paulo Coelho, a man's sexual desire takes about eleven minutes to be satisfied. It is the build-up to this eventual climax that makes a man do things he can never even expect of himself. A time comes when the fluids flow so ragingly that every sense in a man's system starts thinking of the heaven that lies between a woman's legs and nothing else. He smells, breathes and sees sex in every thing around him and in that frustration he decides to buy his relief. A real man, however, never pays for sex. He believes in making love rather dumping his load in any hole that is conveniently available. For a real man sex has its sanctity.
3. Real Men Seldom Lie
A real man stands by every word he utters. He tells the truth even in the face of adversity and social pressures. He is never afraid of consequences and is a man of his words.

4. Real Men Control their Anger
Anger is the death of reason. A real man never lets anger get the better of him. He always has his emotions under control and realizes that everything has a reason that causes it to happen. He takes setbacks in his stride and is never too cocky when he succeeds.

5. Real Men Never Abuse a Woman
A man can not be called one if he abuses a woman either verbally or physically. He should never think of himself as being strong and therefore having the liberty to hit a woman. In fact the most coward of men are the ones that raise their hand or voice on a woman.

All in all a real man knows his status in the society and acknowledges the status of women as well.

Reference: Adnan_Khalid

April 11, 2011

Surviving An Affair - 4 Heartbreaking Emotions That You Have To Overcome

Finding out that the one you love the most in your life is having an affair is the worst thing that can happen to someone next to dying. I know it sounds extreme but the emotions and feelings are too painful and sometimes unbearable. I also know that you are looking for a way to surviving an affair otherwise you wouldn't be here.
When surviving an affair your emotions are going wild and you have to be strong if you want to get over this crisis and also you have to be prepared and know what to expect next. That is why I will reveal to you the four dangerous emotions you will have to face.

The best thing you can do right now is to deal with these 4 emotions right away so you can continue the healing process.

Emotion #1: Jealousy
This ugly monster can hold you back when you are surviving an affair. Because this emotion is perfectly natural it is also very difficult to deal with and very hard to overcome.

Here is what you should do when jealousy is stopping you surviving an affair:

Don't act rashly on your jealous feelings;

Talk to someone about it (be careful who you choose to talk with);

Think about the reasons why you should try to save your relationship and make the efforts of surviving an affair.

Emotion #2: Uncertainty
You have to keep in mind that life is uncertain and it can change dramatically in the course of a coupe of hours. It is normal to feel like that when surviving an affair but you need to know that there are methods that can help you handle those emotions and move forward in saving your relationship.

Emotion #3: Shame
Many people can feel ashamed when they find out that their partner is having an affair because they think that they weren't a good enough partner. Affairs happen all the time in our society and people are cheating every day but a lot of shame comes up around the idea of someone else finding out about the affair. When you are trying to survive an affair you have to overcome this emotion in order to move forward.

Emotion #4: Loss of Hope
This emotion is the worst of these four roadblocks and it can really stop you to save your relationship. You can't get anywhere if hopelessness sets in. The fact is that surviving an affair is really tough but there is always hope if you and your partner want to make this work together. It takes two people working together to make a successful relationship and it only takes one to tear it apart.

If you really want to save your relationship you have to know that there are a lot of proven techniques to help you surviving an affair the right way.

Reference: Brenda_L._Stewart

April 8, 2011

Affairs - Why They Hurt More Than Your Lover

Extramarital affairs occur more than any of us realise. Perhaps like the prevalence of many homosexual relationships - with no aspersions cast, by the way - they hit the underground and stay there, for obvious reasons.

Let's see who might be hurt by an affair:

1. Our marriage partner - The marriage is a place where two people have become one flesh. Involve another party (or parties) to that concern and we rip at the sinews of the original bond of marriage. Recoverable, yes, but the one most affected is our marriage partner.

2. Our marriage - It might be the biggest test for any marriage, and many don't recover from such betrayal and destruction of trust. Forgiveness is a grind beyond many; people unable to draw upon God's power. Besides, there are many who are disposed to affairs who'll want to end the marriage so they can play out the new fantasy.

3. Our lover - What we would have with them is temporary at best. Sure, the 'fling' might excite and stimulate - but how fleeting? Anyway, the real person is never the one we originate relations with; once the bling of romance has worn off. They and we will later determine this affair was not worth it - and not even for what was lost, which adds a ton of salt to the wounds of betrayal.

4. Our children - They'll be betrayed at the most basic level. A parent has not only strayed and betrayed another parent, they've betrayed the child as well.

5. Ourselves - We'll know innately the sense of deriding shame and guilt for having concealed such a wrong.

6. Potentially three sets of parents - Pur parents, our spouse's parents, and the lover's parents are all potentially implicated. Shame, disgust, anger, guilt... a whole range of negative emotions will be felt; and these parents are dishonoured.

7. Tests and divides friendships - The "blended" phenomenon is one proven to not mix so much as curdle, to use a milk analogy. Not unlike blended families, the process of estranging friendships is asking our friends to choose which partner they love most. This is placing a huge strain on these relationships, not to mention the personal burden they'll carry for this choice of infidelity of ours.

8. Community liaisons are affected - Into schools our children attend, clubs we belong to, and various other alliances we have, and affiliations we maintain; all these are potentially compromised, and gossip is a thing that tempts many. Gossip is never a good thing. We can be assured that it will occur.

The ripple effect goes much deeper than this brief analysis can determine.

Many of these effects will last the rest of our lives, despite the reconciliation that God can engineer for us.
Affairs hurt more than the lover because relationships, at source, are part of a web of life, the living foundation for which is marriage. Compromise the institution of marriage in these ways and we begin to tear away at the fabric of morality, which is the sustainability for which society richly depends.

Reference: Steve_Wickham

April 7, 2011

Tips to Catch Your Cheating Spouse With Cell Phone Reverse Lookup

Cheating spouses can continue their unacceptable actions if you keep on ignoring the signs that they are having an affair with another person. If you let your partner abuse you, and just let them continue with their behavior then you will end up on the losing side. If you have the suspicions, it is time to make your own investigation. The cell phone reverse lookup will give you the answers to your own questions. If you are in doubt whether you need to go on with the search, here are some tips to catch your cheating spouse.

Follow your Instincts
Your instincts are often your most significant indicator to know if your partner is cheating. It is this bizarre feeling that will tell you that something is wrong with the relationship. Once you feel the inner voice urging you to ask questions then, there is nothing wrong if you give in to the urge. Use the cell phone reverse lookup to know the identity of the person your partner keeps on calling. With the data provided, you can prove whether your instincts are right.

Read the Non-Verbal Clues
Most cheating partners will not confront you by verbalizing their affair with another person. Usually, they will exhibit strange behaviors. If you have to catch your cheating spouse, learn to read the nonverbal cues of infidelity. Coming home late at night, constant nights out, less time spent with you, strange phone calls and empty phone records are the usual signs that an extramarital affair is going on. If you wish to prove your suspicions, use the cell phone reverse lookup to get the answers to your questions.

Do not Act without Proof
The most common mistake of cheated spouses is confronting their partners without strong evidence about the infidelity. Before starting a conflict, make sure you make an extensive research about your doubts. Use the cell phone reverse lookup to start your investigation. Once you have the identity of the unknown caller, commence a thorough investigation about the suspected lover. Only when you have the valid evidence should you confront your partner. Otherwise, your nagging will give your spouse a hint about your qualms and it will be more difficult for you to catch the betrayal.

Cell phone reverse lookup is an efficient way to catch your cheating spouse. When you see and feel the first signs of mischievous behavior, follow these tips to get a basis for your suspicions.

Reference: Steve_S_Phelps

Women Love Surprises And Fascination

Women really love men that produce surprises. This is especially true for all women in general. The thing about women is that they like surprises and they like excitement, and it is important for them to get away every once in a while from their humdrum existence.
Men who have dull,boring,lackluster and predictable qualities have the tendencies to be shunned by women simple because they do not have enough suspense or excitement in their personalities to be able to create interest from the opposite sex.
Women want men who would be able to create ways of exciting them even in the simplest way possible. surprising women and getting their attention is something that has worked for many men over the years, because men who know how to fascinate women cause women themselves to constantly wonder about what they are thinking of, or what they're going to do next.

To be able to fascinate women, it should be borne in mind that women get pretty about the unexpected. This is the reason why men should remain as unpredictable as possible. Not knowing what would happen next is something that would come as a pleasant surprise to any woman who has had part in seeing and experiencing what is outright common and ordinary. Exercising a little effort on the part of men to be able to fascinate women is something that women would be able to appreciate, because it is the binding force that would make them want to know more about the man concerned apart from what they already do.

Men should remember to be able to fascinate women, it is always important to have an air of mystery around themselves. This is what will attract women to their feet. If men know how to surprise women, then they are close to having all the women they could ever hope to attract. This is because surprising women is an important skill capable of leading a man to any woman's heart.

Reference: Beckley_Abili

April 5, 2011

Things Guys Hate About Girls - The Truth Revealed

Ever wonder what things guys hate about girls or things you should never tell a man? If you really like a guy then there are a few things you should know about what will send men running for the hills. A lot of the advice out there that claims to teach women how to land a man can actually backfire and stop a prospective relationship cold. Luckily the things guys hate about girls are pretty simple to find out. In fact, things guys hate about girls really comes down to not acting needy or playing games. There are many ways in which being non-needy translates into how to be a perfect girlfriend. Here are some key points:

1. Secure women don't play games
Ask any guy about women playing games and they will tell you two things, they've all experienced it, and it makes them lose respect for a woman. Especially when starting out a relationship, playing games can be disastrous. Men think very logically, most men won't play games because they are being respectful, so if you play games, he will think that you don't respect him. The only kind of guy that will stay with a woman who doesn't respect him isn't the kind of guy you want to be involved with. So avoid needlessly making a guy wait or do extra tasks to prove himself.
If your actions are coming from a genuine place, i.e. moral reasons or legitimate discomfort, then you're not playing games and it's ok.
If on the other hand your actions are calculated because you want to make sure that he is yours and maybe you even like seeing what you can make him do, then you are projecting insecurity. Secure women don't need to play games because they are confident that a good man for them will want to be with them without games.

2. Attention seeking complaining
Don't be the woman that complains that his life isn't centered on her, in fact, don't be a woman that complains at all. There's nothing that kills a budding relationship than when a man feels like he is being used as an emotional outlet. If you need to complain about things in your life, don't do it with a prospective boyfriend.
Communication is about expressing feelings complaining however shows insecurity.
The difference is where they come from. Don't cut off your negative emotions, communication is important, but it's important to know how to communicate effectively with men. Men don't enjoy sitting around talking about their problems, they like to either solve them or move on to uplifting topics. You can learn to enjoy this aspect of male behavior.

3. Don't revolve your life around him
Men enjoy attention, but also need their personal time as well. Many men are afraid from bad past experiences that they will inadvertently end up in a relationship with a woman who needs them for everything. You need to have your own life (you shouldn't be available all the time) and be comfortable with giving him space (you don't need all that attention). That way the time you do spend together is more valuable and comes from a place of desire rather than discontent.
Most men phrase what they look for in a relationship this way: They want to be with someone who wants to be with them but doesn't need to be them. Self-reliance and confidence are traits that men cannot resist in women, while desperation and neediness are only attractive to insecure men or men who enjoy using women. Real guys love a challenge.

Reference: Ethan_Steele

What Are The Causes Of Belly Fat?

If we could choose one area of our body that we would like to lose some fat from, there is little doubt that the stomach would be a popular choice with a lot of people. A big belly hanging over your jeans is not the greatest of looks and can leave you depressed and frustrated, as it can be quite difficult to shift. Before we can focus on losing some belly fat, it would be helpful to know what the causes of belly fat are.

The Causes Of Belly Fat
Belly fat is accumulated for a variety of reasons, and not just the obvious one. Lets take a look at some of the reasons why we end up with belly fat: -
Natural Aging
As you get older, your body naturally gains body fat and loses muscle tissue without any change to your diet or activity levels. This is due in part to the fact that your metabolism slows down, resulting in your body burning less calories. Unfortunately a lot of this fat gets stored around the stomach.

The Menopause
Woman tend to naturally put on more body fat than men as they age. The menopause changes a woman's body fat distribution, resulting in more being stored around the abdomen. Women can also retain belly fat following pregnancy.

This may surprise you (not), but eating too much food (particularly with a high-fat content) will pile fat on to your belly. If you consume more calories in a day than you burn off, the excess is stored as fat. The majority of us tend to eat far more food than our bodies actually need. Even if you are not willing to change your diet, you should at least think about cutting your portion sizes. Start eating in a slower and more deliberate manner, and stopping the moment you start to feel full.

The Demon Drink
There is a reason why it is called a beer belly, alcoholic (and lager in particular) drinks are full of calories. If you are serious about losing the beer gut, then you need to cut back on the booze and take more regular exercise. You could drink bottles instead of pints, switch to light beer or even give up drinking at home.
What Are Dangerous Levels Of Belly Fat?
Too much fat around the belly can put you at greater risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Measuring your waist is an excellent way of checking if you have an unhealthy level of belly fat. If you are a man with a waist of over 40 inches or a woman with a waist that measures more than 35 inches, then you really need to think about making changes.
How To Lose Fat Off Your Belly?
Just doing endless crunches will not get rid of belly fat, it will just strengthen the muscles underneath the fat. Regular intense cardiovascular exercise (activity that raises your heart rate) 3-4 times a week is a great idea. as well as a well balanced diet packed with whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables. Make small changes and aim for no more than 1-2 pounds of weight loss a week if you want the results to be permanent.
Now you know what the causes of belly fat are, make those healthy lifestyle changes and banish that belly fat.

April 4, 2011

Girls Psychology and Their Types

After a lot of research, I start that article, but I come to know that it is an endless topic which has no end. Because every girl has her own psyche and all girls are different. Even so, I tried my best to complete it in a concise manner.
First we start from the things that are common in most of the girls.
1. Girls are not a very deep thinker, they are observant. A smart guy can make them believe of anything by telling lies.

2. Girls like those who respect girl's opinion.

3. Girls talk too much and they ignore the person who is not a good listener or interrupt them in conversion.

4. They like to listen to simple compliments regarding to their dress, hair, beauty, etc.

5. They like genuine men; they don't like that someone fake its life.

6. A girl gets jealous, if their man talks to a random girl.

7. They are always asking a same question, "Am I looking Fat"?

8. Don't share secrets with the girls. They are chatter box and always tell your secrets to its friends.

9. A girl can judge a guy by its shoes.

10. Ladies have the inbuilt instinct and emotion system which beeps and alert when their man is cheating.

11. Girls don't like the guys who reacting too nice to them.

12. They don't like the guys who trying to convince them to like them.

13. Girls also don't like the guys who trying to buy affection with food and gifts.

There are many more common things in ladies but these are some of the main things.

You can also read girl's mind by some extent by the following ways:

1. If a girl moves her hands elegantly in her hair or rolling her hair by her finger, then she is seeking for someone's attention.

2. Notice the movement of girl's eye lashes. If they move very fast then they are probably meaning that she wants to make love.

3. If the lady is very close and someone then its mean, she is comfortable with him.

4. If she crossed her legs than its mean, she wants to make love.

There is lot of body language tricks but these are some common tricks to read ladies' minds.

Now I tell you about some types of girls:

1. Girls who meet in the English literature department or any library. These types of girls who have taken time in text you-long hand. No "C U L8R" or "LOL"s or any nonsense likes that. Just pure unadulterated English. These girls are not only intelligent but intelligible. That shows that she has style, sophistication and class.

2. Some girls laughed at all the jokes. People think that she is sexier, but it's not. These girls are dumb. The girl who laughs at your genuinely funny jokes is good to make a relationship. These types of girls can be found on the internet or any novelty stores.

3. It's a famous statement that "A woman never forgets her first love". The girls who get breakup are of two types. One are those who want to take their boyfriend back and again want to involve in him and the second one are those who make new friends and tried to forget the guy.

4. There are some girls who just care about their career. These girls are so mean. They always stay connected with intelligent guys. These look like they are jolly, but instead they are looking for some help.

5. Some girls are strictly religious. These girls like the people with similar religion and attracted to the religious and spiritual conversation.

Mostly, girls whom you found around are like these.

Now I tell you which type of boys the girls like the most.

1. Mostly, girls believe in classic romance. A girl always loved to feel appreciated, and the romantic boys make this happen. So mostly girls like romantic boys.

2. Girls also like confident guys who are totally secure and sure of themselves.

3. Some women like artistic guys who write songs for her make their painting and write something about her.

4. Some girls like free spirit guy (aka the bad boy). These types of girls are those who don't care of anything happening in their life. They want only fun in their life.

I want to say again that this topic is endless. However, I think you get enough information about girls.
Reference: Farzan_Yahya

March 31, 2011

Why Is It So Painful To Have Man Boobs?

Men will try to hide their pain about having man boobs (gynecomastia). They suffer in silence sometimes telling no one. They'll pretend that the jokes don't bother them. But deep down... it really does bother them... A LOT!!
If you have man boobs, first I want to impress upon you that you are not alone in feeling pain over the fact that you have them. Don't think that just because you see that it doesn't bother other men, that it shouldn't bother you. They are probably just pretending it doesn't bother them just like you. Remember, men don't usually talk to other men about these sorts of issues.

I have found that my close male friends actually prefer to talk to me, a woman, than even their closest male friends, about these sorts of issues. What I've learned is that men that suffer with man boobs are usually experiencing a lot of emotional pain.

This pain stems from 3 main areas:

First, they endure relentless teasing that they feel like they have to just pretend is funny when in reality it is hurting them deep down inside. Outwardly, they laugh it off but inside it really burns a hole in their psyche. Many men avoid situations that will put them in contact with other men who will see them shirtless. They'll avoid wearing their favorite shirt just because they think it shows up their man boobs more. Even family members often seem to join in the relentless teasing. This usually hurts more than anything else. No one wants to hear that from their Dad, their Uncle, or brother. It is depressing to say the least. You are not alone if this is happening to you.

Second, they've usually experienced some negative reactions from women with regards to their chest. Even when women are nice about it (and they usually are), men can see it in the woman's eyes, her tone, and her body language. This hurts even more than when men poke fun at them. Many men avoid women altogether so they don't have to endure this pain. They pass up golden opportunities to date. They lose confidence to ask a woman out. Co-workers and acquaintances just think they're shy. Little do they know the pain they are so carefully hiding.

Third, they've tried all kinds of things to make their man boobs disappear but nothing seemed to work. Mostly, they try chest exercises. They try losing weight. They don't realize that man boobs have NOTHING to do with extra weight or building up more muscle. They try herbal remedies they've read about. Often times, they actually end up making the situation worse to the point they get more depressed about it than ever before. Sometimes, they just give up and resign themselves that they are going to have man boobs for the rest of their life.

All this pain is very real as I have seen it as my very friends as they have confided in me and finally opened enough to talk about it.

Reference: Linda_Howard

Why Women Test Men

If you've been interacting with a lot of attractive women, you probably realize that sometimes they do things that just seems a bit... off. For example, they'll start acting or making a request that's just a bit socially unacceptable. She might start asking you to do things that, with the length of time you've known her, seems a bit rude or forward. Or she may start acting bratty and making demands that are just outrageous.

When a woman is doing this, she is testing you! If you're not paying attention they can easily go unnoticed and you would have failed the test.

So why do women test men?

First off, I want to point something out. It's actually great news that a woman is testing you. It means you have her interest on some level and she's trying to qualify you. With that out of the way, what is the real reason why women test men? Why would a woman deliberately do or say something that if examined carefully, would be considered socially unacceptable? What does she gain from acting this way?

In a nutshell, she's trying to see if you're "man enough" for her... and she's doing it unconsciously. Meaning it's hardwired into her from birth.

The reality is, attractive women have their pick of men and these types of women prefer men who are masculine and confident. Since these women are constantly being pursued by men, they need a way to quickly weed out the "good" ones from the "bad" ones. They do this by using tests.

If a man doesn't have his act together, as soon as a woman throws a test at him he'll buckle and either start apologizing or start complying... failing the test completely. On the other hand, if a man DOES have his act together and possesses massive self confidence and masculinity... As soon as a woman throws a test at him, he'll immediately realize how ridiculous it is and instantly shoot an equally ridiculous reply back or turns the test around and starts making fun of the woman. Passing the test with flying colors.

So what is one thing that you can do that will ensure you pass every single test a woman throws at you?

The most important thing you can do is to simply view yourself as having equal or higher social status than her. With this mindset, whenever a woman throws a test at you, you'll notice she's attempting to take a shot at your social status and you can respond accordingly.

Reference: Frank_Robins

Body Language Mistakes for Females

For all you ladies out there, here's a list of body language mistakes you need to avoid, especially if you want to be taken seriously at work, or even otherwise:

Body Language Mistake 1: Acting girlish.
Girlish behavior consists of, and are not limited to, twirling your hair, playing with jewelry, biting your nail, fidgeting with your clothes, hugging your own body, etc. I understand you can do all this almost involuntarily, but try to keep a check on it, especially if you're at an authoritative position in your office. Doing this can decrease the sense of power and authority others usually associate with you.

Body Language Mistake 2: Nodding too much.
Stick to the rule of nodding once every 3 sentences completed by the person you're interacting with. Nods express you're paying attention, it encourages the other person to continue speaking. But too much nods just doesn't speak authority and power for you. It feels like you're being too eager to please the other person - you're not the boss. So claim your authority and power by limiting your nods.

Body Language Mistake 3: Learn to interrupt.
When you're the boss, or an important member of your organization, don't wait your turn to be allowed to speak. When you've got something to say, just say it, or else others will just run you over. Speak out to say your piece to maintain your authority and power, especially in meetings, negotiations, etc.

Body Language Mistake 4: Don't be too expressive.
To increase the sense of authority and power people usually associate with you at your workplace, try to put a rein on your movements. By this I mean you need to express your emotions at work. This means no mood swings, bouts of nervousness, etc. To look powerful, put on a calm and contained front.

These were the four common mistakes you should avoid at your workplace. And of course, you can keep these in mind even outside your workplace.

You don't need to be pushy to create a niche of your own inside or outside your workplace, but you have to express yourself properly to be taken seriously by everyone and anyone. And to accomplish this, you have to pay attention to your body language, in addition to your verbal and written communication skills.

If you're "leaking" bad communication through your body language, it's time to put a stop to that now.

Reference: Ankitaa_G._Dalmia

Body Language - How a Handshake Is More Than Just a Handshake

There is more than one way to communicate, body language is the ability to communicate what you're thinking and feeling through conscious and unconscious body signals, and has become a serious study for many individuals. Body language experts are used by politicians, business men, etc. both personally and to help during negotiations. Some actors will even study body language and incorporate the appropriate body signals into their acting to create a more realistic character.
Body language consists of small gestures that your body unconsciously makes when undergoing various emotions or actions. Lets take a seemingly small and everyday action like handshaking. Handshaking is a form of greeting or thank you, but how you approach a handshake can show how you view yourself in relation to the other person, or how that person views you. For example someone who thinks he's superior to you will often offer you his hand first with his palm facing down, forcing you into taking a palms up, submissive approach to the handshake. Handshakes with palms facing each other (as opposed to up or down) show a sign of equality.
If someone gives you a superior handshake you have several options, accept the handshake or turn the handshake around to a position of equality. If your boss is giving you a superior handshake, it's better to accept the handshake, showing him a sign of respect than trying to turn the handshake around. If you're a sales person being given a superior handshake than it is more important to turn the handshake around, making the individual more receptive to what you are saying. There are two ways to change a superior handshake into an equal handshake. The first way is to step into the superior handshake, this will give you the opportunity to turn the hand as you step forward. Another technique is to do a dual handed handshake, allowing you to take their hand and forcefully turn it into a position of equality.

While executive men are more likely to use a superior handshake than executive women, women are better decoding the subtle language that is body language. This is probably why women are have "intuitions" or "hunches" about others that usually appear correct. This ability in women is attributed to women's maternal instincts, and their ability to decipher the needs of their newborn children. Women's natural ability to decipher body language clues also makes her better at lying. If more people honed their body language skills, they can become powerful negotiators and assessors of others.

Reference: Catherine_Gray

March 30, 2011

Understanding Women's Body Language - It's Easier Than You Think

Unconsciously, everybody sends signals to each other with their bodies. The older you get, the more important it is to understand the messages that are being sent. When trying to assess if a woman is interested in you or not, watch her body language. Whether she means to or not, she is sending you a very clear message. If you can decipher the messages you are being sent, you will be able to tell whether a woman is interested or not without her having to say a word. You just have to know what to look for, and this is where I can help you!

The eyes are the windows to the soul, and that is no lie. Did you ever wonder why people insist you look them in the eye when they are requesting the truth from you? Eye contact is a dead give away. When it comes to whether or not a woman is interested in you, look for eye contact. If you are sitting across the room from a woman, and she makes eye contact with you, and then looks away more than two or three times, she is interested. If it only happens once, then she was just scanning the room. If when you approach her to talk to her, she maintains steady eye contact, she is definitely interested. If she starts breaking her eye contact, and starts looking off in other directions, cut your losses and move on.
One sure fire way to know that woman is interested in you, is if she is playing with her hair. It's unconscious primitive thing, we all do when we see something we like. In the wild, many types of animals start preening when they want the attention of a potential mate. Women do it too. Watch for the slow hair flip. She is trying to draw your attention to her face. If she flips her hair quickly, however, that is a definite sign of irritation. If she slowly moves her hair behind one of her ears, exposing it she is unknowingly trying to draw your attention to one of the body's most erogenous zones, and that is a very positive sign.

You should also keep an eye on what she does with her arms and her hands. The hands are another big give away. Touching something or someone automatically forms a connection. If she subtly touches your arm or hand, she is attracted to you. If she was not, her hands would not come anywhere near you. If her arms are relaxed, and at her sides or resting on the table, she does not feel like you are a threat. If, however, she crosses her arms across her chest, you have screwed the pooch, and you should probably leave.

All of us as human beings are constantly giving each other nonverbal signals. If you pay attention to what someone's body is doing, you can determine their feelings about you, and won't have to wonder about it later. Now that you know what to look for if a woman is interested and when she is not, go and see if you can observe it in person. You will find that it is so obvious, it is almost comical. You will have to ability to know right away whether or not a woman is interested in you, and you will not have to waste your time picking up a lady who is not giving you the green light.

Reference: Joel_Gray


March 28, 2011

Magic Words to Seduce a Woman

Remember that seducing a woman is not about getting lucky. When you seduce a woman you must show self confidence and a genuine interest in her. By using a few "magic words" you will know how to seduce a woman. These "magic words" can help you learn the art of seduction and give you the skill to seduce the best woman or all the women in your life. This is what is referred to as the "power of words."
When you are getting ready to approach and seduce a woman you must have the understanding that she is going to make assumptions while you speak. She will conclude whether she should trust you or whether you can make her laugh. So when you are working on the art of seduction you must improve the way you speak.

Seduction is an art form that takes persistence and patience. When you are speaking to a woman you want to seduce you want to have an optimal level of patience. You also want to slow down and not rush through what you want to say. When you are talking with a woman judge her body language and look for welcoming signs. If she finds that you are self absorbed she is likely to reject you, unless you can show a genuine interest in her at the same time. She wants to know that you can fulfill her desires.

When practicing the art of seduction make sure that you focus on the process and not just the end result. You need to utter the right words at the right time. Always remember that a woman can not resist a great conversation. If you are a whiz at conversation then you will be able to find the magic words and the appropriate time to seduce her.

The words you speak will have a profound affect on the amount of sexual desire that she feels. You need to impress a woman with your words. Focus on what you say to her. When conversing with a woman make sure to use elegance and style. You want to know how to talk to a woman in order to charm her. Once you have practiced the art of seduction, found the "magic words", you will be having great sex with the woman of your dreams in no time at all.

This is how to seduce a woman. When you are seducing a woman make sure to pay attention to her signals. You want to have the experience go smoothly from transition to transition. This is the beauty of the art of seduction.

Success with women is not something everyone has, yet you can learn the art of seduction and how to seduce a woman the right way and even leave her better off then when you found her.

Reference: Mark_Goodworthy

Article Source:

March 26, 2011

3 Guaranteed Tips of Surefire Seduction

Getting a woman to pay attention to you isn't exactly easy; however, with several tricks out of the right book, we can get these women to take notice of you in no time.

Most men tend to try far too hard to get a woman's attention. Because of this, men who appeared so confident at the beginning of the night still end up going home alone after a night out. It has nothing to do with looks; that's the thing. It has more to do with your attitude toward women, and people in general.

If you learn the right skills of seduction, it will be much easier for you to make women take notice of what you have to offer. Here are 3 guaranteed tips to become more attractive in the eyes of women you wish to go out with.

3 Guaranteed Tips Of Seduction To Attract Any Woman Of Your Choice With Ease

Guaranteed Tip Number One: Do As Peacocks Do.
Flashiness is actually acceptable as long as you are comfortable being flashy with what you wear. Do not wait for women to compliment your outfit; simply act as if you are constantly being complimented for your flashiness the whole night long.

Guaranteed Tip Number Two: Stand Out Even More.

The goal would be to stand out in a crowd full of men who simply blend in with one another. If you truly stand out, women will end up staring after you, no matter where you choose to go.

Guaranteed Tip Number Three: Flirt Like Never Before.
Flirting should be your ultimate way. Smile in a flirty way and make an effort to flirt at least once every day. After setting your game plan, approach and flirt with every woman you meet on nights out.

After you get a woman's attention, you need to focus on using a handy trick of seduction known as fractionation. Your game can go up a notch with simple tricks of hypnosis that can make women fall for you. The secret would be to produce emotional bonds between the two of you and fractionation would be the fastest way to do this - in less than 15 minutes.

Fractionation is a two-step formula which makes a woman go through an emotional roller coaster by making her recall both happy and sad memories. By making a woman emotional, you will be able to make her feel deep rapport with you - which is much more than the superficial "flirting" between her and other guys. Using the fractionation formula, you will be able to hack into a woman's mind... and make her fall for you hopelessly. Try it - it is amazingly effective, and it works almost every single time.

Reference: Derek_Rake

March 14, 2011

How to Control a Woman's Mind - And Make Her Think About Having Dirty Sex With You

There is nothing more frustrating than seeing a beautiful woman that you would love to talk to, but knowing that you would never have the balls to approach her. You may have come up with various excuses at the time, but the fact of the matter is that you were too scared of rejection to approach her.
What makes it so sad is that you didn't actually have to fear rejection, if you had just read this article a little earlier, you would already be with that gorgeous woman. It's okay, though; now that you are here, you can be secure in the knowledge that there will be nothing standing between you and the next gorgeous girl you meet except the distance that separates you. Read on to learn all you need to know.
"- Make her think about sex". If you suddenly throw the subject of sex at them without any warning whatsoever, women are more inclined to throw you into the pile of rejection right away and erase you from their memories for good. If you do things in a gradual pace through various sexual innuendos, she will be more ready for sex later on and not think about rejection at all. So, every time you talk to the woman that you want to bed, make sure you slip in some sexual innuendos every now and then so that she will know you have an animalistic side to you after all. Be careful with this, though, as you do not want to overdo it or she will think the sex is all you are in it for.

"- Control her mind." Sure, this sounds like hokum, but if you've reached the point where you're looking at articles online for advice, what do you have to lose? The good news for you is that this is guaranteed to work. The better news is that it works in 15 minutes or less. Once you've controlled her mind using hypnosis, you will be able to get her to do anything you want, so why not give it a try?
"- Use Fractionation." A shockingly powerful tactic known as Fractionation is said to give guys the superpowers to seduce women faster than you ever thought possible
This tactic is the "best-kept secret" of the seduction underground, and once said is known only to 87 guys around the world.

By: Derek_Rake

March 13, 2011

Great Secrets to Seducing Female Friends

It is too easy to accidentally find yourself friends with the one totally gorgeous girl you are in love with. Once you are in that position it is very difficult to move things in the direction you want. It is not impossible, and here are a few secrets of seducing female friends that you can use to move from friend, to her boyfriend.

• Being her confidant for her issues is probably how you ended up as just a friend. This is a key area that needs work. However you need to do it carefully so she doesn't just think you are being a heartless idiot. When she starts going on about her latest break up learn how to change the subject. Make her laugh, take her out somewhere, just stop her from talking about it. She needs to associate you with having a good time. If you can master this then you will have achieved the most powerful secrets of seducing female friends.
• Make an effort when you are around her. Women can be turned on my smell alone. Grab yourself a new aftershave and appeal to her senses.

• Create a new environment for you to hang out it. Don't get yourselves in a rut. Maybe she has never seen you move across a dance floor, or thought you would be perfect to go for a meal together. Be considerate of her, open doors, collect her coat, and make sure she is having a good time.

• Introduce her to women who are interested in you. This may be the clincher in her realizing that you are a sexual man. Be careful here, do not show interest in the other women, and do not put them down either. Just make your prey aware that women find you attractive, and she will wake up to the possibilities of having you be her man, and not just her friend.

By actively removing your role as a friend, into someone who is fun, you can change your relationship. Without doing anything to change the situations will result in you forever being her friend, and having to watch her date and find love elsewhere.

These are a few secrets in how to seduce your female friends, use them carefully to catch the attention of the woman you one. Become the flirting guy, make her feel attractive, and she should wake up to you being the perfect lover for her.

Reference: Belle_Kendrick

How to Seduce a Woman - By Controlling Her Mind Using 3 Amazing Psychology Tricks

Girls have already mastered the art of playing with male minds. They use their effective flirting skills and their ability to turn cold at will to their advantage to get things that they need, from free drinks to free rides home. Admit it: you have already fallen for these seductive moves by a girl at least once, haven't you?

The funny thing is that girls never get played by guys. However, this could work to your advantage since you now know that they aren't used to getting treated the same way. If you play with female minds for a change, girls will have no idea what just hit them. Prepare yourself for a great discovery and learn how to get into female minds to properly revolutionize your overall dating approach with great psychological tips. Read on...

How To Seduce A Woman - By Controlling Her Mind Using 3 Amazing Psychology Tricks

Trick 1: Practice some cold reading. Approach your girl of choice and pretend like you have the ability to read her fortune. Even if you have no idea how fortune telling works, you can state several general facts about girls that you have noticed they all possess as a whole. The more accurate you are, the more impressed she will be, so you might want to watch her from afar and see what kind of girl she is first before making your ultimate move.

Understanding how female body language works would be an important factor of cold reading. Staying on track and making sense as you talk is incredibly vital, most of all if you choose to read her palm as you do this tip. Actually, palm reading would serve to be the perfect choice here since you can touch the girl you are with. Even though you would only be touching her palms, it can still help with building a connection and building up overall attraction between the two of you faster than usual.

Trick 2: Be playful. If you kid and joke around with a girl, she might put on a stuffy facade outside, but you should know that girls enjoy playful games like this in the inside since every girl happens to have a childish side that not everybody knows about.

No matter what choice you make, though, when it comes to seduction and dating girls, being boring would be the greatest sin you could commit. This is why bringing some fun and games into a girl's life would be essential since it can make you seem more interesting in her eyes. This is also why female attraction would definitely be possible if you are more funny rather than if you were more serious.

Trick 3: Control her thoughts. If you use some great hypnosis tips, you can also get girls to feel emotionally addicted to you. All you have to do is make your girl of choice sad and happy at varying levels to make her feel like she is starring in a soap opera.

You have to understand the need of girls to go through emotional drama during their lives. If you give a girl an eventful life event, she will find you irresistible and emotionally attach herself to you at will. After she does this, you can do whatever you want with her.

Be careful, though: this tip actually has the power to turn girls into stalkers, regardless of how emotionally healthy they might have been when you first met. Because of this, you have to pay attention to their emotions as you use this tip and make sure you do not destroy them in any way. What you should do instead is concentrate on getting your girl to fall in love with you - that is it. If you overdo it, you might end up with haunting results that you weren't prepared for. Take heed!

Here's a killer (bonus) tip - if you combine the three tips above with this mind control trick known as Fractionation (, you will be able to make any woman totally in love with you easily. With Fractionation, regular guys have been known to be able to make hot women go crazy over them - by hacking into their mind and manipulating their emotions.

By: Derek_Rake

March 12, 2011

5 Tips For The Perfect Female Seduction

The art of seducing a woman is easier than it sounds. Advertisers may tell you that you need the right aftershave, the right car or the right brand of clothes, but in fact the surface details are surprisingly unimportant.

I'm about to explain to you exactly what does matter when it comes to seducing your date. By following my five point plan, any man, regardless of income or appearance, can dramatically improve his chances of taking that girl to bed.

Step 1. Get her Interested

Whatever your intentions, you're not going to get anywhere with a woman unless you can get her to like you.

There's nothing more attractive to a girl than being found attractive. Make it clear you're into her by being open, attentive and considerate. Hold doors for her, pay the bill, and focus on what she's saying to you.

Keep your conversation light hearted and entertaining, and look for points of common interest. Shared hobbies and similar outlooks make things a whole lot easier, but don't feel you have fake it; if you genuinely don't have anything in common, distract her by asking lots of questions.

Step 2. Get Physical

As the evening progresses, start looking for excuses to touch her. Emphasize a point by brushing your fingers against hers. Empathize with her stories by placing your hand upon her arm. Brush stray hairs from her eyes or rub crumbs from the side of her mouth.

Lean away from her slightly, and watch as she subconsciously leans towards you - you know that she wants to be near you.

Step 3. Go Somewhere Quiet

Wait until the very last moment to suggest you head home together. Perhaps you are having a coffee after the meal, or you've just left the restaurant and are wondering what to do next. Tell her you're having a wonderful time with her and that you don't want the evening to end.

If she doesn't invite you back to her place, don't be discouraged. If she has already shown an interest in your guitar, your indie film collection or your pet iguana, invite her round for a look. Otherwise, ask if she cares to come over for coffee.

Step 4. Start with a Kiss

By this point your date will be tingling with anticipation - and the longer you make her wait for that first kiss, the more excited she'll be.

Build up to the kiss slowly and seductively. Sit yourself next to her with your body turned fully towards her. Lean in slightly and move your gaze from eye to eye and down to her mouth. Really take your time with this.

When neither of you can wait any longer, kiss her. Be gentle, but firm. Tongues should be darting, not smothering. Put your fingers in her hair or your hand on her cheek. Pay attention to her pace and technique and alter yours to match.

Step 5. The Slow Seduction

Girls love to kiss, so take your time. When you are ready to move on, begin stroking her hair or her face. Run your fingers down her arms or along her legs. Put one hand in the small of her back and press her gently towards you.

Begin kissing her face and nibbling her neck. Run your hands up the side of her body and feel her pressing herself closer. Only when you can't bear it any longer, slide your hand up to her chest or slip the tips of your fingers inside her clothes.

The trick to seduction is to always make the woman feel amazing. Treat her well, gaze at her adoringly and you'll both have a night to remember.

By: Scott Patterson

March 9, 2011

The Truth About Getting Rejected By Women - And How To End It!

Every man gets rejected by a woman. Every man, no matter how rich, good looking or smooth talking will face rejection by a woman at some point in his life. There is one exception: a man who never talks to a woman.
If you want to date women, and want to minimize your rejection, you must understand why women reject men in the first place. This article will go over the main reasons why most men get shot down, and give you practical tips on how to avoid their idiotic mistakes and increase your success rate with beautiful women.
First off, it's okay to fear rejection. It's normal. With rare exception, your fear of rejection will never go away. Sure, the better you get at approaching women, the less you will feel that nervousness in the pit of your stomach. But it'll still be there. This is a major point. Most men try to "overcome" rejection. This is the wrong way to approach it. You want to "deal with" rejection so it doesn't have an impact on your life. Bruce Lee said, "feel the fear, but do it anyway."
The do it anyway part starts with being competent with your skills when approaching women. Let's get right into it.
The main reason a man is rejected has nothing to do with him. It has to do with the woman. She might be one of those man-hating feminists, or she may have a snooty attitude. Her mother might have told her that only a man who will worship her and do everything she wants will be worthy of her attention. Whatever the case is, there are certain women who think no man is good enough to approach them. Not you, not me, not Brad Pitt or even the Pope.
Know this: 1 out of every 10 women you approach will probably fall under this category. You will be rejected by them. So when you feel the fear of approaching a woman, this is one thing you can tell yourself so you can feel the fear and do it anyway. Say to yourself: "I am aware some women will reject me because they are complete sociopaths. This is their problem, and has no reflection on me. If I am going to be success with women, I will have to deal with these freaks of nature."
There are some women who are the opposite of the women I just described. They have great social etiquette, are warm and inviting, and will be happy when you approach them. Yet they will still reject you. That's because these women are already taken. Think about it: a woman of high quality can have her pick of the litter. So there's more than a fifty percent chance she will have a boyfriend. Especially if she is easy to approach. To feel the fear and do it anyway, say to yourself, "I am aware some women will say no because they have a boyfriend. This has no reflection on me. If I'm going to be a chick getting rock star, I will have to accept this situation."
Are you starting to see the pattern? A lot of the reason men get shot down by women is because of the woman, not because of the man himself. This means most rejection isn't personal, and therefore you shouldn't let it get you down. Here are some other reasons women say no to men that have nothing to do with the man himself. One, she may be a professional flirt. She leads men on because she enjoys the attention. This often happens with women who have low self-esteem. They need the to be reassured they still are attractive. Or, she may be so emotionally twisted from all the idiots she has dated in her life that she thinks it's too much trouble to try dating any man. Until she gets out of this box, you will probably be shot down.
Another reason in the "it's them, not you" category, is timing. Maybe she just found out her mother died, and here you are ten minutes later trying to get her phone number. You might totally be her type, might know exactly what to say to turn her on, but guess what? You are out of luck.
Remember: most men are rejected for reasons beyond their control. So if you can't control it, don't worry about it. Just go on to the next one.
With that said, there are times when you it is your fault. If you walk up to her and are vulgar and mean, and she says "Get away from me you freak," it is you who has the problem. Or, if you approach her like a timid, little wuss, and have a nervous eyebrow twitch going on, and she laughs and tell you to beat it... your rejection is well deserved. Or maybe you are just that platonic nice guy who will jump through every hoop she lays done, and she looks at you as a lost puppy dog, and wants to be you friend, but will never be your lover...
Then you deserve to be shut down.
This should get you excited. Stay with me here. Think about it: if it's your fault your getting rejected, then guess what? You can fix it! If you have a problem with saying the wrong things in front of a woman, find someone who says the right things and learn from him. If you are too much of a nice guy, learn about why women aren't attracted to nice guys, and then figure out how to become what women are attracted to, while still being true to who you are.
Let's review: you shouldn't worry about rejection that is out of your control, because it is not of your making. and you shouldn't worry about rejection that is within your control, because if it's in your control you can do something about that this very day. So what's left to worry about? Nothing.
Once you understand that you have nothing to worry about when a woman says "no" to you, it doesn't mean you will not feel the fear of rejection. What it does mean is that you will feel the fear of rejection, understand that is is normal to feel this way, but still approach women anyway.

Resources: Kurt_Dight 

March 5, 2011

The Truth About Sexual Desire - Part 2

With so much sex in the world, it is no wonder that so many of our youth are wildin out. The truth of the matter is that they are simply reenacting the things they see adults do, say and believe. There is a collective consciousness that exists within each family, neighborhood, community, city, county, state, country, continent, and then of course the world. It is so much easier for adults to point the finger and blame others for the state we see today. The saying "Become the change you want to see in the world" has become nothing more than a cliche that humanitarians, philosophers, intellectuals, and revolutionaries say to calm the heart of their pacifying judgment. For one to actually become this change they so want to see, they have to be willing to not only embrace their faults and weaknesses, but they also have to be willing to step outside of the box to see any fault in what they have been supporting, using as their foundation to induce their self-centered agendas. The truth of the matter is that not many are ready to conquer their weaknesses and faults, but more are willing to justify it or explain it away.
What then have we become in this world of vanity when all paths have failed us, all ideals have mislead us, all measures of faith have led us nowhere but in circles that are driven beneath the waters of deceit? Who are we kidding? The path to self-righteousness leads all astray and down a road less traveled by the Wise Ones. We walk in bitterness thinking we can change the world. We walk in peace thinking that by no action or by not disturbing the waters of ignorance that we have actually done our families a service.
When will we return to our rightful state of inheritance? Have we even proven ourselves worthy of Life when we do nothing but through it all away for vanity and self gratification? We allow our children to be polluted by the wrath of unconscious methods of living and being with one another. We do nothing but wallow in ignorance when so much that our elders and ancestors have fought for is slipping away, right beneath our feet. It is up to each and everyone of us to educate ourselves about ourselves and then to pass this knowledge on to our children. The wisdom of Life awaits us.. Won't you please join me in this journey?


when taken seriously will lead you into the deeper mysterious teachings that have been kept, hidden away from our ancestors. The greatest feat that they had to overcome was not knowing that the All Knowing exists within them. Each and every one of them. Each and every one of us. That's it. When we choose to let our emotions (energy in motion) run ramped, we choose to walk in struggle. When we choose to let our energies direct our actions, we walk like fools. For this matter we must address the issue concerning sexual energy or life force energy that has taken control of the world we live in. One need not seek books written by humans to understand, see the living library that exists within yourself. The blood of life runs strong through your veins, pumping every ounce of information you have ever sought after. The etymology dictionaries defines blood as - "to swell, gush, spurt," or "that which bursts out" (cf. Goth. bloĆ¾ "blood," bloma "flower" or "to thrive, bloom". I decided to look up the definition for bloom and Websters has many definitions, but they all say something like "state of having the buds opened". You know what? I couldn't stop there, I had to keep going. So I looked up the definition of bud and the American Heritage Dictionary says: An asexual reproductive structure, as in yeast or a hydra, that consists of an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.
After reading all of that and seeing the words bloom, blossom, flower, and bud there was only one conclusion to come to: Much like photosynthesis which is defined as the act of capturing this energy (from the sun) with various pigments (such as chlorophyll) which absorb different wavelengths of light or frequencies - We humans do almost the same thing. As we engage in life activities we CAPTURE energy with our MELANIN pigment which absorbs different wavelengths of light or frequencies too (See you tube Dr. Jewel Pookrum for deeper understanding of melanin). The energy or emotions become personified through us and chooses a form of EX-press-ion through the conscious state of the individual. The major energy centers or chakras (correctly pronounced chuk-rahs) or spinning wheels of light (energy) have also been symbolized by flowers for many generations.
The closed flower or bud represents the closed or emotionally clogged chakra. The open flower represents the opened and free flowing chakra. Yet, some opened chakras can be blown out of proportion, literally from trauma, which brings me back to the sacral chakra that governs many things, but especially our sexual energy. An imbalanced in the sacral chakra results in excesses. These excesses manifest themselves in the form of addictions, greed, violence, anger and a consuming feeling of dissatisfaction. In balance, the sacral chakra facilitates rites of passage - smooth physical growth, healthy sexual expression, positive body language, clarity in understanding our needs versus our wants, tempering of desire, utilizing our ambition/passion for higher purpose (rather than base or primitive desire).
How is it then that the issues concerning sexual abuse and exploitation are not taken seriously and remains inconclusive with the spiritual and cultural communities? Many focus on kegels, fabulous fellatio, or seminal fluid retention for increased gratification rather than solutions to heal the many sexually abused boys and girls that wonder aimlessly in our very own homes and neighborhoods. How can any of us determine a path of righteousness and liberation without seeking to balance our imbalanced chakras? How can we hear the spirit of discernment when we have all of these unresolved issues like anger, overpowering and in some cases directing our intelligence? How can we operate as a unit when our overactive sexual energy is directing our desires and confusing our attractions and disturbing our dreams even? What have we become when we put down our children for re-enacting the things they see and hear us do? Our children are having sex - period. They are doing exactly what we have taught them to do. Are you, the parent, willing to educate yourself about yourself enough to save your own child? It can be done. Understanding the sexual energy is only the beginning, there is much more that has to be accomplish, but at least after reading this you hopefully are not pointing the finger and passing judgment on the children that are crying out for help.
Stay tuned for part 3 as we journey deeper and finally go over the techniques for balancing out the sacral chakra and refining the raw sexual energy.


The Truth About Sexual Desire - Part 1

I recall the days when I was a teenager, hanging with my friends, doing my best to resist peer pressure with no reference point to avail me. My mother and every adult in my life shunned teen sex but they never told me and other teens what we could do instead. They never even took into consideration the sexual abuse that most teens face when they are younger and how that greatly influences their sexual energy. Instead, they preach shame and guilt upon the child that engages in sex at an early age. By thus doing, the child retreats into an imbalanced form of self-expression and living that is interpreted as rebellion.
The lack of self-knowledge of the parent and by the parent puts the family at a disadvantage of balance and harmony because they know not what other option is available for their children. They know not about the energetic anatomy of themselves and thus, cannot begin to teach it to their children. With overactive or underactive sexual energy radiating from the adults who run the society at large, it can be a confusing time of puberty for the children.

Most people believe that fetuses only inherit the biological make up of parents and fewer are aware of the fact that they inherit emotional habits and patterns of both parents as well.
This also includes mental and spiritual inheritances as well as everything is energy. When dealing with the human body, areas of science such as Quantum Physics, PNI (psycho neuro immunology), and metaphysics teach us that everything is energy. There are also ancient spiritual teachings that support these "new found" beliefs such as Taoism, Buddism, Kemeticism, and many more "isms". But before you stop reading, all one needs to do is study the human body. There are many talks of electro-magnetic frequencies within the medical field. The instruments that are used to measure biological functions (bio-feedback machines) of the body are based on frequencies emitted from the body. Frequencies, as defined by American Heritage Science Dictionary is "The rate at which a repeating event occurs, such as the full cycle of a wave. Frequencies are usually measured in hertz." Electromagnetic is defined as "pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion; [electromagnetic energy]." So here you have the frequency which represents the rate at which something is in motion and the electromagnetism which is the "kind" of energy being emitted.
So where am I going with all of this? How is it that doctors are aware of the energy emitted from an individual, but the individual is not aware of the energy it emits itself? How could we allow something, that is literally right in front of our face, get pass us? As humans, we give off energy in the form of vibes. Ever go somewhere and get an uncomfortable feeling? The feeling you experienced was the manifestation of the energies present in that space and your own personal energy interacting with it. You either feel it or you don't. Just stay with me, I am taking you somewhere with all of this.
So now, here we are, as adults, not aware of the different energies that are present within the human body. No knowledge of the main energy centers in the body known as chakras. No knowledge of the channels of energy that flow through the body known as meridians and nadis and no knowledge of the fact that our thoughts direct our emotions which are pure energy. The thought itself is pure energy as well. We have several energy systems within the body that we just simply never learn about unless we are willing to take a step and read uncommon material.

So as parents, who are pure energy, who have inherited the energetic makeup of their parents and so on and so on and so on, we are literally just passing down what is already existent in ourselves. Each child that you have represents your state of consciousness during the time of conception, including what was going on with you emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually whether you were aware or in denial or not. Your child is carrying everything about you in one form or another within themselves. What they have to do, is evolve from that state of consciousness through a process called soul evolution. Life is giving them a chance to sharpen and overcome the things that you, the parent, did not overcome. Life is giving them a chance to break or transmute the energetic frequency that has been passed down from generations. This is what many refer to as generational curses.

Sexual energy, one of the strongest, if not the strongest, energies in the body, is so powerful that it actually creates another life. The act of creating life almost holds no significance in America as it has taken a back seat to self-gratification and is no longer considered a sacred act. We have something called chakras (pronounced chuck-rahs) through out body and beyond. Each houses certain energies to sustain the life of our organs and filter out the energy from the planet that we receive to support our internal life systems. With some of us, our sexual chakra (called the sacral chakra) is already active especially if one has been raped, molested, or incested. Otherwise, this energy awakens during the state of puberty and needs to be directed by transformation into a more refined energy.

When we tell our children to not have sex, ignoring the fact that this energy is awakened, we are telling them to suppress that energy and it further attributes to their malignant behavior. Energy, including sexual energy, must stay in motion and the minute it ceases circulation or movement, is when dis-ease begins to set in, manifesting first in the energetic subtle bodies that inter-penetrate our physical body, then affecting our moods and behaviors through our thoughts and emotions. There is a solution, and no, I'm not referring to the children actually having sex. I am referring to sexual circulation. It only takes 10 minutes a day to do, in order for one to maintain their sanity (we all know what sexual frustration feels like).

Reference: Denika_Laurie

March 4, 2011

How You Should Deal With Rejection From Women

Getting rejected from a woman is probably one of every guy's worst fear when it comes to dating. The fear of rejection from a woman is probably the most crippling fear that a man would face in his dating life. So how do you actually avoid getting rejected by women? How can you become one of the few selected men who seem to be able to attract women on Friday nights and weekends without much effort?
The best surefire 100% guaranteed way to not get yourself rejected by a woman is this: Vow to yourself never to date any other women again for as long as you live.
Got the idea yet? There is no possible way that you can completely avoid rejected by woman if you have not realized. Throughout history, there has been no man, dead or alive, that has managed a 100 % success rate when it comes to approaching women, so don't bother wasting your time looking for that magical cure.
What you should instead is to make a decision that you will be going after what you want even if there is any chance of rejection. When you gear up the guts to do this, surprisingly you will also be able to get an increased amount of positive responses. Many famous people in life failed a lot of times before managing to get what they want, such as Thomas Edison, Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth.
Also, if you are willing to face some rejection in order to get the things that you really want, I am sure that you will definitely appreciate it a lot better when you get it. People who fear rejection and failing usually almost never get what they really want out of life, and the same goes when it comes to women and relationships.
After reading this article, you might be a little confused, since I have yet to talk about any practical advice to help you avoid getting rejected with women. The reason is because dealing with rejection is something that has got to do with the mind rather than practical advice. Once you realized that there is no surefire and guaranteed way to avoid rejection, you will not be afraid of it anymore and be trying to avoid it all the time. If you haven't already realized or noticed, the best way to deal with rejection is to get rejected as much as possible!


March 3, 2011

Get Back On The Horse - Handling Rejection

Why are we so afraid of the word no? In all the training and work I do with sales people, it amazes me the lengths we will go to, the work and stress we will cause ourselves just so we do not hear the word no. What is so bad about the word no? Why are we so afraid of that word?
Now I agree, no one likes to be rejected, and no one likes to hear "I am not interested or just plain no." However, when you really stop and think about it, the prospect is only telling you that, for now, you did not convince them that your product or service has enough value for them to part with their money or their time. Wow! When you put it that way, no is actually pretty good information for you to have. It means, you should just go back to the planning stage of your calling efforts and think about how you could add more value. In fact, that is such great information that we should all say thank you so much when we hear the word no! (Okay, I may be going a little overboard here, but you get the point. No does not mean never - no means, no thank you right now.

If you want to turn your prospects into clients you must learn to be persistent. Persistent without being annoying but persistent. You need to accept rejection, learn from it, and have enough stamina to get back on the horse and try again. Ask yourself, are you willing to keep trying, go the distance in order to get what you want? Persistence actually means, lasting or enduring tenaciously and constantly repeated and continued. If you want to be good at sales you have to be persistent.
I think our biggest fear right after hearing no, is if we are persistent we fear others will find us annoying. So how do you be persistent without being annoying? How do we keep going after someone has told us no, and do it in a way that makes us feel comfortable. Here is my five step plan for being persistent without being annoying.

1. Thank the customer - whenever I lose a sale to a competitor or a prospect says no. I make sure I thank the prospect. For their time, their consideration, and for the information I learned about their company and their needs. While I am quite sincere about this, it also leaves the customer with a positive feeling about me. Remember, buying is emotional, and if you want to leave the door open for future sales, you need to leave your prospect with a positive feeling about you.

2. Make sure you heard the customer - It is amazing how much we don't listen. We think we are listening, but truly all we are doing is waiting for an opportunity to give our opinion or our reasons for why they should buy our service. So, when the customer says no, sit down and take a few moments to try to understand why? Often the answer will be,because you were not solving the right problem, filling their need, or understanding what is going on in their life that is preventing this sale.

3. Know your customer - Do your research, again. Go back to the research phase of the sales call and learn more. The amount of information you know about your prospect is vital in understanding where, when and how to sell to them. Understand their personality styles, their interest, their reasons for being in business, the types of clients they work with, and what they are looking for in a vendor. If you heard the word no, chances are you don't know enough about your prospect and therefore you don't deserve the business - yet!

4. Send an 11th Hour Letter - If you lose business to a competitor always send an 11th hour letter. Why? Because once people reject you, they may feel awkward or embarrassed to call on you if things do not work out. Again, no just means no for now. You want to make sure you do everything to keep that door open, so when they are looking for new opportunity, or their sales person is not delivering, you are the first person they think to call.

5. Don't be desperate - Keep the top part of your funnel full. Sales takes time, and especially in this new economy. By having plenty of prospects to call on, and plenty of opportunities to pursue, you keep yourself from being desperate. Meaning you remain in the value add part of the sales process and not in the need to close part of the sales process. If you focus on listening, adding value, and being approachable prospects will become your customers in their own time. You need to have enough prospects in your pipeline that if one takes a little longer, you have the time to let the prospect move at their own pace.
Learning to embrace rejection, being persistent, and building your stamina are key in your ability to turn your prospects into customers. Remember, if you fall off that horse, think about what you learned, put these steps into place and get right back on for the ride of your life!

Reference: Meridith_Powell