April 14, 2011

What Do Real Men Do?

Being a man is not only about being the stronger gender of the two but also the more responsible one. With men having an edge over women in terms of physical strength, nature has balanced it by giving women more control over their desires. In other words men are often more aggressive and have lesser control over their wants. They also take a setback less gracefully than women. So what is a real man? What do real men do? Here is a list of what a real man ought to do.

1. Real Men Respect Women
Women are a man's better half. They complete the circle of life by being the true companions of a man. Nature has made men and women equals and they are like two semi-circles completing the whole. A real man, knowing that he is more powerful and influential, always respects women as equals. He gives them equal opportunity at life, never thinking of them as an inferior gender. He realizes that women are equal to him but that their sphere of superiority is different from his. He knows that while a man has superior strength, a woman has superior endurance, while a man has the responsibility of finances, a woman in the modern world has both financial responsibilities and that of bearing children. He respects a woman for being the settling factor in his life.

2. Real Men Never Buy Sex
According to Paulo Coelho, a man's sexual desire takes about eleven minutes to be satisfied. It is the build-up to this eventual climax that makes a man do things he can never even expect of himself. A time comes when the fluids flow so ragingly that every sense in a man's system starts thinking of the heaven that lies between a woman's legs and nothing else. He smells, breathes and sees sex in every thing around him and in that frustration he decides to buy his relief. A real man, however, never pays for sex. He believes in making love rather dumping his load in any hole that is conveniently available. For a real man sex has its sanctity.
3. Real Men Seldom Lie
A real man stands by every word he utters. He tells the truth even in the face of adversity and social pressures. He is never afraid of consequences and is a man of his words.

4. Real Men Control their Anger
Anger is the death of reason. A real man never lets anger get the better of him. He always has his emotions under control and realizes that everything has a reason that causes it to happen. He takes setbacks in his stride and is never too cocky when he succeeds.

5. Real Men Never Abuse a Woman
A man can not be called one if he abuses a woman either verbally or physically. He should never think of himself as being strong and therefore having the liberty to hit a woman. In fact the most coward of men are the ones that raise their hand or voice on a woman.

All in all a real man knows his status in the society and acknowledges the status of women as well.

Reference: Adnan_Khalid

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