September 16, 2010

Dealing With Fear

No one enjoys dealing with fear; however, it's a necessary part of a fulfilled life. The best line of defense is to practice remaining calm and ask for help when you need it. After all, two minds striving for a rational solution is usually better than one.

When Not To Trust Your Thoughts

Even in difficult circumstances, you probably have an idea about what is truly right or wrong. However, it's a good idea to try to recognize the situations where you tend to have trouble thinking clearly. That way, when these situations do come up, you can start working on solutions, instead of giving into the cloudy thoughts.

You probably shouldn't trust your thoughts in the following situations:

1. When you're under stress - People often don't recognize how detrimental stress can be to the mind and body. Stress can cause you to make unwise decisions and think too quickly. Stress can take over your body and produce hormones that alter your thinking patterns.

2. When you're feeling anxious - There are varying degrees of anxiety that can affect anyone at any time. When it takes over in a strong manner, such as when you're dealing with crippling fear, it can lead to erratic, irrational thoughts or even panic.

3. When you're having negative thoughts - Sometimes you'll have a bad day or even a bad week. Having a tough time can cause a negative thinking pattern that can cause you to think unreasonable or even absurd thoughts. You may start to have angry or depressing thoughts that can't be trusted.

When you're having thoughts that seem real, but are rather unreasonable, remember that it's not coming from you. Rather, it's coming from the build up and repression of years of self-doubt! , negati vity, stress, anxiety, or even past circumstances. That's precisely why you cannot trust those thoughts!

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