Every man gets rejected by a woman. Every man, no matter how rich, good looking or smooth talking will face rejection by a woman at some point in his life. There is one exception: a man who never talks to a woman.
If you want to date women, and want to minimize your rejection, you must understand why women reject men in the first place. This article will go over the main reasons why most men get shot down, and give you practical tips on how to avoid their idiotic mistakes and increase your success rate with beautiful women.
First off, it's okay to fear rejection. It's normal. With rare exception, your fear of rejection will never go away. Sure, the better you get at approaching women, the less you will feel that nervousness in the pit of your stomach. But it'll still be there. This is a major point. Most men try to "overcome" rejection. This is the wrong way to approach it. You want to "deal with" rejection so it doesn't have an impact on your life. Bruce Lee said, "feel the fear, but do it anyway."
The do it anyway part starts with being competent with your skills when approaching women. Let's get right into it.
The main reason a man is rejected has nothing to do with him. It has to do with the woman. She might be one of those man-hating feminists, or she may have a snooty attitude. Her mother might have told her that only a man who will worship her and do everything she wants will be worthy of her attention. Whatever the case is, there are certain women who think no man is good enough to approach them. Not you, not me, not Brad Pitt or even the Pope.
Know this: 1 out of every 10 women you approach will probably fall under this category. You will be rejected by them. So when you feel the fear of approaching a woman, this is one thing you can tell yourself so you can feel the fear and do it anyway. Say to yourself: "I am aware some women will reject me because they are complete sociopaths. This is their problem, and has no reflection on me. If I am going to be success with women, I will have to deal with these freaks of nature."
There are some women who are the opposite of the women I just described. They have great social etiquette, are warm and inviting, and will be happy when you approach them. Yet they will still reject you. That's because these women are already taken. Think about it: a woman of high quality can have her pick of the litter. So there's more than a fifty percent chance she will have a boyfriend. Especially if she is easy to approach. To feel the fear and do it anyway, say to yourself, "I am aware some women will say no because they have a boyfriend. This has no reflection on me. If I'm going to be a chick getting rock star, I will have to accept this situation."
Are you starting to see the pattern? A lot of the reason men get shot down by women is because of the woman, not because of the man himself. This means most rejection isn't personal, and therefore you shouldn't let it get you down. Here are some other reasons women say no to men that have nothing to do with the man himself. One, she may be a professional flirt. She leads men on because she enjoys the attention. This often happens with women who have low self-esteem. They need the to be reassured they still are attractive. Or, she may be so emotionally twisted from all the idiots she has dated in her life that she thinks it's too much trouble to try dating any man. Until she gets out of this box, you will probably be shot down.
Another reason in the "it's them, not you" category, is timing. Maybe she just found out her mother died, and here you are ten minutes later trying to get her phone number. You might totally be her type, might know exactly what to say to turn her on, but guess what? You are out of luck.
Remember: most men are rejected for reasons beyond their control. So if you can't control it, don't worry about it. Just go on to the next one.
With that said, there are times when you it is your fault. If you walk up to her and are vulgar and mean, and she says "Get away from me you freak," it is you who has the problem. Or, if you approach her like a timid, little wuss, and have a nervous eyebrow twitch going on, and she laughs and tell you to beat it... your rejection is well deserved. Or maybe you are just that platonic nice guy who will jump through every hoop she lays done, and she looks at you as a lost puppy dog, and wants to be you friend, but will never be your lover...
Then you deserve to be shut down.
This should get you excited. Stay with me here. Think about it: if it's your fault your getting rejected, then guess what? You can fix it! If you have a problem with saying the wrong things in front of a woman, find someone who says the right things and learn from him. If you are too much of a nice guy, learn about why women aren't attracted to nice guys, and then figure out how to become what women are attracted to, while still being true to who you are.
Let's review: you shouldn't worry about rejection that is out of your control, because it is not of your making. and you shouldn't worry about rejection that is within your control, because if it's in your control you can do something about that this very day. So what's left to worry about? Nothing.
Once you understand that you have nothing to worry about when a woman says "no" to you, it doesn't mean you will not feel the fear of rejection. What it does mean is that you will feel the fear of rejection, understand that is is normal to feel this way, but still approach women anyway.
Resources: Kurt_Dight
If you want to date women, and want to minimize your rejection, you must understand why women reject men in the first place. This article will go over the main reasons why most men get shot down, and give you practical tips on how to avoid their idiotic mistakes and increase your success rate with beautiful women.
First off, it's okay to fear rejection. It's normal. With rare exception, your fear of rejection will never go away. Sure, the better you get at approaching women, the less you will feel that nervousness in the pit of your stomach. But it'll still be there. This is a major point. Most men try to "overcome" rejection. This is the wrong way to approach it. You want to "deal with" rejection so it doesn't have an impact on your life. Bruce Lee said, "feel the fear, but do it anyway."
The do it anyway part starts with being competent with your skills when approaching women. Let's get right into it.
The main reason a man is rejected has nothing to do with him. It has to do with the woman. She might be one of those man-hating feminists, or she may have a snooty attitude. Her mother might have told her that only a man who will worship her and do everything she wants will be worthy of her attention. Whatever the case is, there are certain women who think no man is good enough to approach them. Not you, not me, not Brad Pitt or even the Pope.
Know this: 1 out of every 10 women you approach will probably fall under this category. You will be rejected by them. So when you feel the fear of approaching a woman, this is one thing you can tell yourself so you can feel the fear and do it anyway. Say to yourself: "I am aware some women will reject me because they are complete sociopaths. This is their problem, and has no reflection on me. If I am going to be success with women, I will have to deal with these freaks of nature."
There are some women who are the opposite of the women I just described. They have great social etiquette, are warm and inviting, and will be happy when you approach them. Yet they will still reject you. That's because these women are already taken. Think about it: a woman of high quality can have her pick of the litter. So there's more than a fifty percent chance she will have a boyfriend. Especially if she is easy to approach. To feel the fear and do it anyway, say to yourself, "I am aware some women will say no because they have a boyfriend. This has no reflection on me. If I'm going to be a chick getting rock star, I will have to accept this situation."
Are you starting to see the pattern? A lot of the reason men get shot down by women is because of the woman, not because of the man himself. This means most rejection isn't personal, and therefore you shouldn't let it get you down. Here are some other reasons women say no to men that have nothing to do with the man himself. One, she may be a professional flirt. She leads men on because she enjoys the attention. This often happens with women who have low self-esteem. They need the to be reassured they still are attractive. Or, she may be so emotionally twisted from all the idiots she has dated in her life that she thinks it's too much trouble to try dating any man. Until she gets out of this box, you will probably be shot down.
Another reason in the "it's them, not you" category, is timing. Maybe she just found out her mother died, and here you are ten minutes later trying to get her phone number. You might totally be her type, might know exactly what to say to turn her on, but guess what? You are out of luck.
Remember: most men are rejected for reasons beyond their control. So if you can't control it, don't worry about it. Just go on to the next one.
With that said, there are times when you it is your fault. If you walk up to her and are vulgar and mean, and she says "Get away from me you freak," it is you who has the problem. Or, if you approach her like a timid, little wuss, and have a nervous eyebrow twitch going on, and she laughs and tell you to beat it... your rejection is well deserved. Or maybe you are just that platonic nice guy who will jump through every hoop she lays done, and she looks at you as a lost puppy dog, and wants to be you friend, but will never be your lover...
Then you deserve to be shut down.
This should get you excited. Stay with me here. Think about it: if it's your fault your getting rejected, then guess what? You can fix it! If you have a problem with saying the wrong things in front of a woman, find someone who says the right things and learn from him. If you are too much of a nice guy, learn about why women aren't attracted to nice guys, and then figure out how to become what women are attracted to, while still being true to who you are.
Let's review: you shouldn't worry about rejection that is out of your control, because it is not of your making. and you shouldn't worry about rejection that is within your control, because if it's in your control you can do something about that this very day. So what's left to worry about? Nothing.
Once you understand that you have nothing to worry about when a woman says "no" to you, it doesn't mean you will not feel the fear of rejection. What it does mean is that you will feel the fear of rejection, understand that is is normal to feel this way, but still approach women anyway.
Resources: Kurt_Dight
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