April 15, 2011

Dealing With Difficult People By Using Conflict Management Strategies

Dealing with difficult people has always been a very complicated tactic to a lot of people, including myself. While the title may have grabbed your interest, understand that I am male, so I write just like a man. Aside from that, it's my own story. My political correctness stops with the title so consider yourself cautioned.

I was so excited I could hardly stand it. After spending the last 8 years on the street selling foods door to door, I really could finally see an exit. This was the answer, the ticket to our freedom and the answer to our dreams. I went to the free workshops about dealing with difficult people, met some great folks, signed up and could hardly wait to begin. My greatest fear, nevertheless, was telling my wife precisely how much I'd invested in our future. See, we'd just refinanced our home to settle some other bills.

Needless to say, it was totally unpleasant - she broke down crying. They weren't tears of joy. I recognized she would understand eventually. "Hear, just tune in to this CD, it explains everything." Listening to the CD's wasn't on her mind for that first couple of weeks. I knew that I had my work cut out for me so I got busy. Towards the end of the initial 3 months I had recovered all of our original investment. She'd witnessed the wheels in motion but even now wasn't sure. I'd quit my job and was carrying out the business full-time. I had frequently and relentlessly explained to her that if she would quit her job and work with me full time, that we could easily multiply our profits. That dog did not hunt. She witnessed the revenue possibilities but still needed persuading that this was a real business. Dealing with difficult people, especially my wife, had now started to become something of a challenge to me.

It was time to go on to plan "B". I started rigging booby traps. I would tactically substitute her reading materials with my positive information. My own CD's would be inside her car with no others accessible. After a few months my perseverance had reaped rewards. She had agreed to come together with me to one of my gatherings. That was the answer, finally, she saw the light. All my words and schemes could just move so far, but once I placed her among others that were profitable in the industry, everything began to take a hold. If my account is all very familiar to you, dealing with difficult people is about letting your own decisive actions communicate louder than your words. By watching you grow, they will also do the same. The bank checks don't lie so allow them to do your talking. Get them involved at their own speed and near other people in the industry who are more successful than you.

Dealing with difficult people, and in this case my wife, has become a blessing. Currently, we're working together, a little too close at times. She continually tells me that I've got an annoying habit of "hovering" around her. I prefer to call it "beneficial instruction". Our experiences in entrepreneurship are fresh to the two of us - at times surprising, sometimes exhilarating, but never boring. So all of you disgruntled partners out there take heart. Dealing with difficult people is not at all that hard and know that your loved ones will come around eventually when they understand that your dedication to develop is for their benefit as well. Above all, it will be your behavior, not your lip service, that pulls them in. Remember, once you change your world, it may take a little persuading to make your loved ones a part of it.

Article Source: Rick_Stanford

April 14, 2011

What Do Real Men Do?

Being a man is not only about being the stronger gender of the two but also the more responsible one. With men having an edge over women in terms of physical strength, nature has balanced it by giving women more control over their desires. In other words men are often more aggressive and have lesser control over their wants. They also take a setback less gracefully than women. So what is a real man? What do real men do? Here is a list of what a real man ought to do.

1. Real Men Respect Women
Women are a man's better half. They complete the circle of life by being the true companions of a man. Nature has made men and women equals and they are like two semi-circles completing the whole. A real man, knowing that he is more powerful and influential, always respects women as equals. He gives them equal opportunity at life, never thinking of them as an inferior gender. He realizes that women are equal to him but that their sphere of superiority is different from his. He knows that while a man has superior strength, a woman has superior endurance, while a man has the responsibility of finances, a woman in the modern world has both financial responsibilities and that of bearing children. He respects a woman for being the settling factor in his life.

2. Real Men Never Buy Sex
According to Paulo Coelho, a man's sexual desire takes about eleven minutes to be satisfied. It is the build-up to this eventual climax that makes a man do things he can never even expect of himself. A time comes when the fluids flow so ragingly that every sense in a man's system starts thinking of the heaven that lies between a woman's legs and nothing else. He smells, breathes and sees sex in every thing around him and in that frustration he decides to buy his relief. A real man, however, never pays for sex. He believes in making love rather dumping his load in any hole that is conveniently available. For a real man sex has its sanctity.
3. Real Men Seldom Lie
A real man stands by every word he utters. He tells the truth even in the face of adversity and social pressures. He is never afraid of consequences and is a man of his words.

4. Real Men Control their Anger
Anger is the death of reason. A real man never lets anger get the better of him. He always has his emotions under control and realizes that everything has a reason that causes it to happen. He takes setbacks in his stride and is never too cocky when he succeeds.

5. Real Men Never Abuse a Woman
A man can not be called one if he abuses a woman either verbally or physically. He should never think of himself as being strong and therefore having the liberty to hit a woman. In fact the most coward of men are the ones that raise their hand or voice on a woman.

All in all a real man knows his status in the society and acknowledges the status of women as well.

Reference: Adnan_Khalid

April 11, 2011

Surviving An Affair - 4 Heartbreaking Emotions That You Have To Overcome

Finding out that the one you love the most in your life is having an affair is the worst thing that can happen to someone next to dying. I know it sounds extreme but the emotions and feelings are too painful and sometimes unbearable. I also know that you are looking for a way to surviving an affair otherwise you wouldn't be here.
When surviving an affair your emotions are going wild and you have to be strong if you want to get over this crisis and also you have to be prepared and know what to expect next. That is why I will reveal to you the four dangerous emotions you will have to face.

The best thing you can do right now is to deal with these 4 emotions right away so you can continue the healing process.

Emotion #1: Jealousy
This ugly monster can hold you back when you are surviving an affair. Because this emotion is perfectly natural it is also very difficult to deal with and very hard to overcome.

Here is what you should do when jealousy is stopping you surviving an affair:

Don't act rashly on your jealous feelings;

Talk to someone about it (be careful who you choose to talk with);

Think about the reasons why you should try to save your relationship and make the efforts of surviving an affair.

Emotion #2: Uncertainty
You have to keep in mind that life is uncertain and it can change dramatically in the course of a coupe of hours. It is normal to feel like that when surviving an affair but you need to know that there are methods that can help you handle those emotions and move forward in saving your relationship.

Emotion #3: Shame
Many people can feel ashamed when they find out that their partner is having an affair because they think that they weren't a good enough partner. Affairs happen all the time in our society and people are cheating every day but a lot of shame comes up around the idea of someone else finding out about the affair. When you are trying to survive an affair you have to overcome this emotion in order to move forward.

Emotion #4: Loss of Hope
This emotion is the worst of these four roadblocks and it can really stop you to save your relationship. You can't get anywhere if hopelessness sets in. The fact is that surviving an affair is really tough but there is always hope if you and your partner want to make this work together. It takes two people working together to make a successful relationship and it only takes one to tear it apart.

If you really want to save your relationship you have to know that there are a lot of proven techniques to help you surviving an affair the right way.

Reference: Brenda_L._Stewart

April 8, 2011

Affairs - Why They Hurt More Than Your Lover

Extramarital affairs occur more than any of us realise. Perhaps like the prevalence of many homosexual relationships - with no aspersions cast, by the way - they hit the underground and stay there, for obvious reasons.

Let's see who might be hurt by an affair:

1. Our marriage partner - The marriage is a place where two people have become one flesh. Involve another party (or parties) to that concern and we rip at the sinews of the original bond of marriage. Recoverable, yes, but the one most affected is our marriage partner.

2. Our marriage - It might be the biggest test for any marriage, and many don't recover from such betrayal and destruction of trust. Forgiveness is a grind beyond many; people unable to draw upon God's power. Besides, there are many who are disposed to affairs who'll want to end the marriage so they can play out the new fantasy.

3. Our lover - What we would have with them is temporary at best. Sure, the 'fling' might excite and stimulate - but how fleeting? Anyway, the real person is never the one we originate relations with; once the bling of romance has worn off. They and we will later determine this affair was not worth it - and not even for what was lost, which adds a ton of salt to the wounds of betrayal.

4. Our children - They'll be betrayed at the most basic level. A parent has not only strayed and betrayed another parent, they've betrayed the child as well.

5. Ourselves - We'll know innately the sense of deriding shame and guilt for having concealed such a wrong.

6. Potentially three sets of parents - Pur parents, our spouse's parents, and the lover's parents are all potentially implicated. Shame, disgust, anger, guilt... a whole range of negative emotions will be felt; and these parents are dishonoured.

7. Tests and divides friendships - The "blended" phenomenon is one proven to not mix so much as curdle, to use a milk analogy. Not unlike blended families, the process of estranging friendships is asking our friends to choose which partner they love most. This is placing a huge strain on these relationships, not to mention the personal burden they'll carry for this choice of infidelity of ours.

8. Community liaisons are affected - Into schools our children attend, clubs we belong to, and various other alliances we have, and affiliations we maintain; all these are potentially compromised, and gossip is a thing that tempts many. Gossip is never a good thing. We can be assured that it will occur.

The ripple effect goes much deeper than this brief analysis can determine.

Many of these effects will last the rest of our lives, despite the reconciliation that God can engineer for us.
Affairs hurt more than the lover because relationships, at source, are part of a web of life, the living foundation for which is marriage. Compromise the institution of marriage in these ways and we begin to tear away at the fabric of morality, which is the sustainability for which society richly depends.

Reference: Steve_Wickham

April 7, 2011

Tips to Catch Your Cheating Spouse With Cell Phone Reverse Lookup

Cheating spouses can continue their unacceptable actions if you keep on ignoring the signs that they are having an affair with another person. If you let your partner abuse you, and just let them continue with their behavior then you will end up on the losing side. If you have the suspicions, it is time to make your own investigation. The cell phone reverse lookup will give you the answers to your own questions. If you are in doubt whether you need to go on with the search, here are some tips to catch your cheating spouse.

Follow your Instincts
Your instincts are often your most significant indicator to know if your partner is cheating. It is this bizarre feeling that will tell you that something is wrong with the relationship. Once you feel the inner voice urging you to ask questions then, there is nothing wrong if you give in to the urge. Use the cell phone reverse lookup to know the identity of the person your partner keeps on calling. With the data provided, you can prove whether your instincts are right.

Read the Non-Verbal Clues
Most cheating partners will not confront you by verbalizing their affair with another person. Usually, they will exhibit strange behaviors. If you have to catch your cheating spouse, learn to read the nonverbal cues of infidelity. Coming home late at night, constant nights out, less time spent with you, strange phone calls and empty phone records are the usual signs that an extramarital affair is going on. If you wish to prove your suspicions, use the cell phone reverse lookup to get the answers to your questions.

Do not Act without Proof
The most common mistake of cheated spouses is confronting their partners without strong evidence about the infidelity. Before starting a conflict, make sure you make an extensive research about your doubts. Use the cell phone reverse lookup to start your investigation. Once you have the identity of the unknown caller, commence a thorough investigation about the suspected lover. Only when you have the valid evidence should you confront your partner. Otherwise, your nagging will give your spouse a hint about your qualms and it will be more difficult for you to catch the betrayal.

Cell phone reverse lookup is an efficient way to catch your cheating spouse. When you see and feel the first signs of mischievous behavior, follow these tips to get a basis for your suspicions.

Reference: Steve_S_Phelps

Women Love Surprises And Fascination

Women really love men that produce surprises. This is especially true for all women in general. The thing about women is that they like surprises and they like excitement, and it is important for them to get away every once in a while from their humdrum existence.
Men who have dull,boring,lackluster and predictable qualities have the tendencies to be shunned by women simple because they do not have enough suspense or excitement in their personalities to be able to create interest from the opposite sex.
Women want men who would be able to create ways of exciting them even in the simplest way possible. surprising women and getting their attention is something that has worked for many men over the years, because men who know how to fascinate women cause women themselves to constantly wonder about what they are thinking of, or what they're going to do next.

To be able to fascinate women, it should be borne in mind that women get pretty about the unexpected. This is the reason why men should remain as unpredictable as possible. Not knowing what would happen next is something that would come as a pleasant surprise to any woman who has had part in seeing and experiencing what is outright common and ordinary. Exercising a little effort on the part of men to be able to fascinate women is something that women would be able to appreciate, because it is the binding force that would make them want to know more about the man concerned apart from what they already do.

Men should remember to be able to fascinate women, it is always important to have an air of mystery around themselves. This is what will attract women to their feet. If men know how to surprise women, then they are close to having all the women they could ever hope to attract. This is because surprising women is an important skill capable of leading a man to any woman's heart.

Reference: Beckley_Abili

April 5, 2011

Things Guys Hate About Girls - The Truth Revealed

Ever wonder what things guys hate about girls or things you should never tell a man? If you really like a guy then there are a few things you should know about what will send men running for the hills. A lot of the advice out there that claims to teach women how to land a man can actually backfire and stop a prospective relationship cold. Luckily the things guys hate about girls are pretty simple to find out. In fact, things guys hate about girls really comes down to not acting needy or playing games. There are many ways in which being non-needy translates into how to be a perfect girlfriend. Here are some key points:

1. Secure women don't play games
Ask any guy about women playing games and they will tell you two things, they've all experienced it, and it makes them lose respect for a woman. Especially when starting out a relationship, playing games can be disastrous. Men think very logically, most men won't play games because they are being respectful, so if you play games, he will think that you don't respect him. The only kind of guy that will stay with a woman who doesn't respect him isn't the kind of guy you want to be involved with. So avoid needlessly making a guy wait or do extra tasks to prove himself.
If your actions are coming from a genuine place, i.e. moral reasons or legitimate discomfort, then you're not playing games and it's ok.
If on the other hand your actions are calculated because you want to make sure that he is yours and maybe you even like seeing what you can make him do, then you are projecting insecurity. Secure women don't need to play games because they are confident that a good man for them will want to be with them without games.

2. Attention seeking complaining
Don't be the woman that complains that his life isn't centered on her, in fact, don't be a woman that complains at all. There's nothing that kills a budding relationship than when a man feels like he is being used as an emotional outlet. If you need to complain about things in your life, don't do it with a prospective boyfriend.
Communication is about expressing feelings complaining however shows insecurity.
The difference is where they come from. Don't cut off your negative emotions, communication is important, but it's important to know how to communicate effectively with men. Men don't enjoy sitting around talking about their problems, they like to either solve them or move on to uplifting topics. You can learn to enjoy this aspect of male behavior.

3. Don't revolve your life around him
Men enjoy attention, but also need their personal time as well. Many men are afraid from bad past experiences that they will inadvertently end up in a relationship with a woman who needs them for everything. You need to have your own life (you shouldn't be available all the time) and be comfortable with giving him space (you don't need all that attention). That way the time you do spend together is more valuable and comes from a place of desire rather than discontent.
Most men phrase what they look for in a relationship this way: They want to be with someone who wants to be with them but doesn't need to be them. Self-reliance and confidence are traits that men cannot resist in women, while desperation and neediness are only attractive to insecure men or men who enjoy using women. Real guys love a challenge.

Reference: Ethan_Steele

What Are The Causes Of Belly Fat?

If we could choose one area of our body that we would like to lose some fat from, there is little doubt that the stomach would be a popular choice with a lot of people. A big belly hanging over your jeans is not the greatest of looks and can leave you depressed and frustrated, as it can be quite difficult to shift. Before we can focus on losing some belly fat, it would be helpful to know what the causes of belly fat are.

The Causes Of Belly Fat
Belly fat is accumulated for a variety of reasons, and not just the obvious one. Lets take a look at some of the reasons why we end up with belly fat: -
Natural Aging
As you get older, your body naturally gains body fat and loses muscle tissue without any change to your diet or activity levels. This is due in part to the fact that your metabolism slows down, resulting in your body burning less calories. Unfortunately a lot of this fat gets stored around the stomach.

The Menopause
Woman tend to naturally put on more body fat than men as they age. The menopause changes a woman's body fat distribution, resulting in more being stored around the abdomen. Women can also retain belly fat following pregnancy.

This may surprise you (not), but eating too much food (particularly with a high-fat content) will pile fat on to your belly. If you consume more calories in a day than you burn off, the excess is stored as fat. The majority of us tend to eat far more food than our bodies actually need. Even if you are not willing to change your diet, you should at least think about cutting your portion sizes. Start eating in a slower and more deliberate manner, and stopping the moment you start to feel full.

The Demon Drink
There is a reason why it is called a beer belly, alcoholic (and lager in particular) drinks are full of calories. If you are serious about losing the beer gut, then you need to cut back on the booze and take more regular exercise. You could drink bottles instead of pints, switch to light beer or even give up drinking at home.
What Are Dangerous Levels Of Belly Fat?
Too much fat around the belly can put you at greater risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Measuring your waist is an excellent way of checking if you have an unhealthy level of belly fat. If you are a man with a waist of over 40 inches or a woman with a waist that measures more than 35 inches, then you really need to think about making changes.
How To Lose Fat Off Your Belly?
Just doing endless crunches will not get rid of belly fat, it will just strengthen the muscles underneath the fat. Regular intense cardiovascular exercise (activity that raises your heart rate) 3-4 times a week is a great idea. as well as a well balanced diet packed with whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables. Make small changes and aim for no more than 1-2 pounds of weight loss a week if you want the results to be permanent.
Now you know what the causes of belly fat are, make those healthy lifestyle changes and banish that belly fat.

April 4, 2011

Girls Psychology and Their Types

After a lot of research, I start that article, but I come to know that it is an endless topic which has no end. Because every girl has her own psyche and all girls are different. Even so, I tried my best to complete it in a concise manner.
First we start from the things that are common in most of the girls.
1. Girls are not a very deep thinker, they are observant. A smart guy can make them believe of anything by telling lies.

2. Girls like those who respect girl's opinion.

3. Girls talk too much and they ignore the person who is not a good listener or interrupt them in conversion.

4. They like to listen to simple compliments regarding to their dress, hair, beauty, etc.

5. They like genuine men; they don't like that someone fake its life.

6. A girl gets jealous, if their man talks to a random girl.

7. They are always asking a same question, "Am I looking Fat"?

8. Don't share secrets with the girls. They are chatter box and always tell your secrets to its friends.

9. A girl can judge a guy by its shoes.

10. Ladies have the inbuilt instinct and emotion system which beeps and alert when their man is cheating.

11. Girls don't like the guys who reacting too nice to them.

12. They don't like the guys who trying to convince them to like them.

13. Girls also don't like the guys who trying to buy affection with food and gifts.

There are many more common things in ladies but these are some of the main things.

You can also read girl's mind by some extent by the following ways:

1. If a girl moves her hands elegantly in her hair or rolling her hair by her finger, then she is seeking for someone's attention.

2. Notice the movement of girl's eye lashes. If they move very fast then they are probably meaning that she wants to make love.

3. If the lady is very close and someone then its mean, she is comfortable with him.

4. If she crossed her legs than its mean, she wants to make love.

There is lot of body language tricks but these are some common tricks to read ladies' minds.

Now I tell you about some types of girls:

1. Girls who meet in the English literature department or any library. These types of girls who have taken time in text you-long hand. No "C U L8R" or "LOL"s or any nonsense likes that. Just pure unadulterated English. These girls are not only intelligent but intelligible. That shows that she has style, sophistication and class.

2. Some girls laughed at all the jokes. People think that she is sexier, but it's not. These girls are dumb. The girl who laughs at your genuinely funny jokes is good to make a relationship. These types of girls can be found on the internet or any novelty stores.

3. It's a famous statement that "A woman never forgets her first love". The girls who get breakup are of two types. One are those who want to take their boyfriend back and again want to involve in him and the second one are those who make new friends and tried to forget the guy.

4. There are some girls who just care about their career. These girls are so mean. They always stay connected with intelligent guys. These look like they are jolly, but instead they are looking for some help.

5. Some girls are strictly religious. These girls like the people with similar religion and attracted to the religious and spiritual conversation.

Mostly, girls whom you found around are like these.

Now I tell you which type of boys the girls like the most.

1. Mostly, girls believe in classic romance. A girl always loved to feel appreciated, and the romantic boys make this happen. So mostly girls like romantic boys.

2. Girls also like confident guys who are totally secure and sure of themselves.

3. Some women like artistic guys who write songs for her make their painting and write something about her.

4. Some girls like free spirit guy (aka the bad boy). These types of girls are those who don't care of anything happening in their life. They want only fun in their life.

I want to say again that this topic is endless. However, I think you get enough information about girls.
Reference: Farzan_Yahya